Case study Transport Request Management Software


Riverside School Board




In the field of education, each institution faces its own unique challenges, dictated by specific needs, distinct processes, and varied requirements for managing transportation requests.

The Riverside School Board, just like the Beauce-Etchemin School Service Center, encounters particular demands that necessitate a customized solution. Soluqual meets this diversity with its PARTS platform, which is extremely flexible and capable of adapting to the specificities of each client.

The Challenge

Before implementing our solution, the Riverside School Board was overwhelmed by a high volume of calls and manual management of transportation requests, making the process tedious and prone to errors.

While the Beauce-Etchemin School Service Center already benefited from a solution tailored to its forms and processes, the Riverside School Board had similar needs but still required specific adaptations in terms of forms and processes.

Our Solution

In 2023, Soluqual deployed its transportation request management module at the Riverside School Board.

This innovative solution now allows for completely online submission and tracking of transportation requests for both School Board employees and parents.

Results Obtained

Despite a last-minute implementation, which led to some off-system requests, the number of duplicate requests significantly decreased. Moreover, an effective communication campaign increased the system's visibility, generating a record number of requests, all successfully managed thanks to the efficiency of the new system.

We are very happy with Soluqual. The system is truly effective and represents a significant improvement over last year when we didn't have this technology. With our experience from this year, we anticipate even better results next year. The popularity effect following our global announcement was impressive, and despite a higher number of requests, we managed to handle everything smoothly.

— Client testimonial


Soluqual's transportation request management module has not only simplified daily management at the Riverside School Board but also increased parental satisfaction and improved administrative efficiency.

Our module demonstrates its ability to adapt to different organizational sizes and to provide forms and processes suited to various school service centers and school boards. This flexibility not only adequately meets the varied needs of different transportation services but also facilitates adaptation to changes and evolutions within the various transportation services themselves.

The future looks promising with continuous improvements planned to make the system even more robust.

Contact us to find out how PARTS can help you too.

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